We work continually throughout the day to make our gelato fresh in our Edinburgh parlour with locally sourced ingredients of the highest quality. We don't scoop, we sculpt using traditional spatulas, not scoops.
Freshly prepared gelato
At Alandas Edinburgh, our freshly prepared gelato is created following our traditional gelato recipe. We take special care in every step of the process, from pasteurising the milk to selecting the best cream, milk and seasonal strawberries.
Family owned
All our gelato is hand-craftfed by our family. We are involved in every step of the gelato making process and work in the production line in our Edinburgh parlour.
Award-winning flavour
Celebrating the best food of Edinburgh, the Royal Highland Show saw us take home our first Ice Cream Champion award, and the RHS Gold Ice Cream Award.
Every June, the Royal Highland Show celebrates the best of food, farming and rural life in Edinburgh. At Alandas, we were champions in 2017, 2018 and 2021.
The Royal Highland Show celebrates the best of food in Edinburgh. At Alandas, we’re reigning ice cream champions, taking home the title most recently in June 2021.
“A wonder down quality street(yes, really!) should always involve a cone of homemade gelato from Alandas.”
“This bright, brash, shiny ice cream parlour at the end of town features young staff who love the ice cream as much as we do. Took the gold for its belgian milk chocolate at the royal highland show. flavours vary but the quality does not!”
Experience the true flavour of Scotland at our seafood trailer on the beach. Showcasing fresh and sustainable foods ranging from beautiful fish and chips to delicious seafood, as well as our tasty gelato, all in one stunning location.
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